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Nous avons trouvé 163 résultats pour votre recherche

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Isir's Smart ArM Team Takes on Cybathlon 2020

… on 19/10/2020 Reading time 3 min. Cybathlon is a unique international competition in which athletes with a … for 20 years, he is now a certified coach and accompanies managers of small and medium-sized companies.  The Smart ArM …

  • Actualité

Third Annual Meeting of the 4EU+ European University Alliance

… said Serge Fdida, Sorbonne University’s Vice President of International Development and coordinator of the project … pedagogical projects, and members of working groups and managers of local 4EU+ offices. Sorbonne University’s …

  • Actualité

Discover Our Mineral Collection

… on 18/01/2024 - Updated on 2/02/2024 Reading time 4 min. Managed by the Institute of Mineralogy, Physics of Materials … out a precise inventory of the needs for packaging, management and promotion of the collections. The objective … scientific and cultural institutions, then participates in international events such as Museum Night, Heritage Days and …

  • Actualité

The Sorbonne University Alliance, winner of the 2023 "University Innovation Clusters" call for proposals

… adapted to all types of project and developing centralized management tools. Consolidate the flow of innovative … research and the socio-economic world, both in France and internationally.   Les 29 lauréats 24 projets confirmés Chef …

  • Article

M2 - Nuclear engineering course (IN)

… Biological, deterministic and stochastic effects. Management and prevention of deterministic and stochastic … The notion of risk acceptability in our society. The international radiation protection system. Operational …

  • Actualité

The First Lady of Ukraine visits the Sorbonne

… Sorbonne University, Guillaume Fiquet, vice-president for international relations, and Vadym Omelchenko, Ambassador of … We are united by these values, which are shown in our international relations and in our scientific and cultural … Jean-Cassien Billier, associate professor and project manager at the dean's office. These conferences, called  « …

  • Portrait

Jean-Pierre Gattuso

… programmes in ocean sciences, and the port authority that manages the Great Barrier Reef. "When I got the phone call … several missions in Ny-Ålesund, the world's most northerly international scientific village. Raising awareness among … research. His big upcoming project is co-chairing an international scientific conference, organised by the CNRS …

  • Actualité

Immersion in the simulation department

… It concerns the externs of the faculty, but also the interns of hospitals attached to the University, as well as … of soft skills. Simulation allows you to learn how to manage a crisis, communicate with the team, develop leadership and manage stress. Without forgetting the caretaking …

  • Portrait

Esther Demoulin

… I was lucky enough to be able to go abroad thanks to the international agreements with the École normale supérieure; … hand. What interested me was to see how Beauvoir and Sartre managed to resolve this tension, how it worked on their … applications. You must then ask advice from doctoral school managers. The file is not very heavy: a cover letter, a …

  • Structure de recherche

Laboratory of childhood genetic diseases

… as well as in nodal cells to define the laterality of internal organs. In PCD, the defect of motile cilia leads to … mechanisms, an essential step to improve diagnosis and management of patients. In the laboratory, we are studying …