Scientific innovation and outreach

The Faculty’s human-scale research units take part in numerous scientific events and strive to tackle the challenges of the contemporary world.

Scientific innovation and outreach

Strongly committed to the principles of scientific integrity, open science, and the freedom to teach and produce critical works, the Faculty of Arts and Humanities proudly fosters the values that made its scientific reputation through the centuries.

The Faculty’s scientific community is very active and publishes hundreds of books and scientific articles each year. The scientific community is also involved in a process of popularisation and makes frequent contributions in both public and specialised media.

Long-term partnerships with TheConversation France, of which Sorbonne University is a founding member, and France Culture, also provide a space for researchers.

The local academic publishing house, Sorbonne Université Presses, also takes part in this broadcasting mission. Sorbonne Université Presses publishes about 50 books each year and has a catalogue containing over 900 works.
The Faculty of Arts and Humanities is also involved in events such as “Fête de la science” and offers education opportunities for all, such as the summer and winter universities and the University of the Third Age (Université Inter-Âges). This wide range of programmes and courses makes university-level knowledge accessible to all.