Projets à financer / Amplifier l'interdisciplinarité

Expanding Interdisciplinarity

The strength and impact of Sorbonne University lies in the effective sharing of knowledge, by breaking down barriers between the disciplines, and the intersection of different areas of expertise. Our institution plays host to multidisciplinary chairs of excellence and transversal programs dedicated to research and education. We are a source of discoveries.

Expanding Interdisciplinarity

Stretching Limits of Knowledge by Creating Chairs of Excellence

A chair is a tailor-made project, developed in partnership with a sponsor, to meet their expectations and their needs. It might be a specific field of research, or the creation or spread of knowledge in a relevant sector of the humanities, sciences or medicine, or an area that cuts across disciplines.
A chair makes it possible to fund a team that’s already in place or to host internationally renowned professor-researchers for a specific period of time.
Each chair of excellence is subject to the governance of a steering committee that defines its strategic orientation and supervises its activities.
The creation of a chair requires a minimum investment of €1.5-2 million, depending on the work called for, the means necessary and the profile of its recipient. It can be funded by either one or several donors.

Prof. Brigitte Autran, Director of the Immunology Department and the Medical Biology and Pathology Hub at Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital
Professeur des Universitiés
Professor Emeritus of the Faculty of Medicine, Sorbonne University