Winter University at the Sorbonne - French as a foreign language program

Each course lasts 2 weeks.

2 levels are on offer, beginner (A1) or advanced (C1).
For more information on the levels, please consult the following document : Cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues.
To register for C1, you must provide proof of your level in the form of an official document or a certificate from your French teacher.

Warning, the number of places is limited.

Winter University at the Sorbonne - French as a foreign language program

Level A1

From the 13th to the 24th of January 2025

The course hours for these levels consist solely of general French classes in which the different language skills will be worked on: written comprehension, oral comprehension, written expression and oral expression.

The themes and materials chosen will also enable participants to familiarise themselves with different aspects of French culture, including lifestyle, the French education and university system, and the history of the Latin Quarter.

Total duration : 40 hours

Monday to Friday : from 9.30 to 12 am and from 1 to 2.30pm

Level C1

From the 13th to the 24th of January 2025

These general French courses, consist of three-hour sessions in the morning and three hours in the afternoon, where the different language skills will be worked on: written comprehension, oral comprehension, written expression and oral expression. The themes and materials chosen will also enable participants to familiarise themselves with different aspects of French culture, including lifestyle, the French education and university system, and the history of the Latin Quarter.

A culture and civilisation course consisting of ten one-and-a-half-hour sessions is designed to provide an overview of French culture and civilisation. The main French currents of thought and artistic movements from the Renaissance to the present day will be presented using a variety of media : literature, music, painting, film and architecture.

Total duration : 60 hours

Monday to Friday : from 9.30 to 12.30 and from 2 to 5pm