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Nous avons trouvé 152 résultats pour votre recherche

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… 27 93 44 Ms Gabriella MACHADO Contact Phone :01 44 27 93 42 Administrative Manager Mr Anthony BERTHET Contact Phone: 01 … exemption file. How much are the registration fees? The administrative registration fee for the academic year is 330 …

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Materials Chemistry (MAT) Program

… , maîtresse de conférences Contact by email Responsables administratives Céline Philippon Contact by email Page …

  • Actualité

The Presidential Election 2022: Udice universities propose six projects for higher education, research and innovation (ESRI)

… Create conditions to attract and retain talent Facilitate administrative procedures at the national level and make …

  • Structure de recherche

DREPS – Sickle cell disease : Paris Research Group – Sorbonne University

… and for the same patient over time. Hospital and national administrative databases can be used to characterize the …

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External Aggregation in Physics

… further information Visit our preparation portal Contact us Administration Evelyne Gilbert-Mongeot Course leader Agnès …

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Institutional Documentation

… by Numbers     6,400 teaching and research staff     3,900 administrative and technical staff     52,000+ students, …

  • Actualité

Autonomy, Act 2: Udice member universities ready to take up the challenge!

… involves freeing up time for research, providing better administrative support and moving to a simpler, less …

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Master in Actuarial Science

… Responsible for the course Olivier LOPEZ, Director of ISUP Administrative and corporate relations manager Alexia …

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Nanomat Master

… Responsable administrative Evelyne Gilbert-Mongeot …

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Master 2 courses in Integrative Biology and Physiology - Physiology Human Physiopathologies track

… from the discovery of drugs and therapies to their administration (from bench to bed). Prerequisites A solid …