Sorbonne Summer University - Practical informations

The Sorbonne Summer University is scheduled from June 24 to July 19, 2024, with classes held in the Latin Quarter.

Sorbonne Summer University - Practical informations

Who can register?

The Sorbonne Summer University is open to anyone aged 16 and above who are interested in learning something new or enhancing their knowledge. Minors need parental consent to participate.

For course cycles in French, the expected level of language proficiency is B1, according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. However, no proof of language proficiency is required.

Course cycles are primarily designed for individuals with at least two years of higher education, but they are open to anyone interested in expanding or enhancing their knowledge, regardless of educational backgroud.


Courses offered at the Sorbonne Summer University do not lead to degrees or grant participants any academic credits.

Upon completion of the course, each participant is awarded a certificate confirming their attendance at the Sorbonne Summer University.

Course locations

Classes are conducted either in the historic Sorbonne building located in the 5th arrondissement of Paris or at the Maison de la Recherche, also situated in the Latin Quarter, at 28 rue Serpente, in the 6th arrondissement.


Inscription Before February 28, 2024 Before April 30, 2024 Starting from May 1, 2024
15-hour course cycle over one week (in-person)
Full price 380 € 425 € 500 €
Staff, student registered at Sorbonne University* 2023-2024** 180 € 203 € 225 €
Jobseeker, retired person, disabled person, former participant    225 €**
Un cours dans le cadre d'un cycle (limité à un cours par personne, dans la limite des places disponibles)
Tarif unique 30 €

* Sur présentation d'un justificatif
** (Sorbonne Université, Université de technologie de Compiègne, INSPE, INSEAD)

Registration Overall duration Fee
Level A1 40 hours  840 €
Levels A2 and B1 40 hours  850 €
Levels B2 and C1 60 hours 1 260 €


Sorbonne Summer University

1 rue Victor Cousin