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Nous avons trouvé 520 résultats pour votre recherche

  • Actualité

Robots in the Surgical Sphere

… (the University’s robotics lab), the co-director of the Institut universitaire d'ingénierie en santé , and is …

  • Actualité

A Federating Project for People with Disabilities

… the director of theIntelligent Systems and Robotics Institute (ISIR), Guillaume Morel, who had the idea of …

  • Portrait

Alice Recher

… years. Today, I live and train at Insep (the National Institute of Sport, Expertise and Performance) for an …

  • Article

Applying and registering

… Each student in initial training in a higher education institution must obtain their certificate of receipt of the …

  • Article

Complementary activities

… agreement signed between the doctoral candidate's employer institution and the person commissioning the expert …

  • Portrait

Bertrand Guillonneau

… thing led to another and I was put in touch with the Ocean Institute and associate professor François Ravetta 2 . He …

  • Actualité

Open for you! A series of webinars to discover open science

…  Researchers in cultural studies disciplines and cultural institutions are increasingly confronted with the need to …

  • Actualité

Humans Will Always Have Oxygen to Breathe, but we Can’t Say the Same for Ocean Life

… reports from the  IPCC  and other reputable  scientific institutions . While they may be good fodder for speeches, …

  • Article

Health and scholarships

… support supported by the Fondation de France, AP-HP and Institut Pasteur: 01 48 54 96 86 for departments 78/94/92/75 …

  • Article

International doctoral programs

… of scientific methods implemented within each of these institutions. It also opens a large international research …