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Open Science Barometer: Sorbonne University, Top French University In Terms of Open Access

… is one of the four strategic axes of Sorbonne University's institutional project. In order to measure the effects of … research funders to publish in open access as well as the institutional commitment of the university and its research …

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The Inauguration of the Maison Poincaré

… 27, the Maison Poincaré was inaugurated at the heart of the Institut Henri Poincaré (IHP), under the patronage of the … 27, the Maison Poincaré was inaugurated at the heart of the Institut Henri Poincaré (IHP), under the patronage of the … IHP Lisez le communiqué de presse … mathématiques … musée … institut Henri Poincaré … The Inauguration of the Maison …

  • Actualité

A Day in the Life of a Sorbonne University Exchange Student: Nicolo Lovinello

… Lovinello, an undergraduate student at one of our partner institutions, Indiana University, shares his experience as … Lovinello, an undergraduate student at one of our partner institutions, Indiana University, shares his experience as …

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2020 Inria - Académie des sciences laureate: Stanley Durrleman

… Inria research director and team leader at the Brain Institute (AP-HP / CNRS / Inserm / Sorbonne University), … Inria research director and team leader at the Brain Institute (AP-HP / CNRS / Inserm / Sorbonne University), …

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A Day in the Life of a Sorbonne University Exchange Student: Miranda Yeomans

… Yeomans, an undergraduate student at one of our partner institutions, Indiana University, tells us about her … Yeomans, an undergraduate student at one of our partner institutions, Indiana University, tells us about her …

  • Article

Discounts on open access publication fees

… dimension. Publishers sometimes offer discounts to institutions for publishing articles in their open access … dimension. Publishers sometimes offer discounts to institutions for publishing articles in their open access …

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What ocean color reveals about climate change

… A team of American researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has just shown that ocean … … A team of American researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has just shown that ocean …

  • Article

My Life as a Researcher

… My Life as a Researcher Established three years ago, The Institut de Biologie Paris-Seine (IBPS) has been welcoming … registration Mail adress … Established three years ago, The Institut de Biologie Paris-Seine (IBPS) has been welcoming …

  • Actualité

Projet NeuroSonoGene wins ERC Synergy Grant 2023

… project team comprising Serge Picaud (Director of the Institut de la Vision at Sorbonne University, INSERM, CNRS), … For this ground-breaking work, biologists at the Vision Institute teamed up with the laboratory of physicist Michael …

  • Presse

On track for the creation of the IPOS, the new International Panel for Ocean Sustainability

… Panel for Ocean Sustainability The CNRS invited scientific institutions from numerous countries at Maison Irène et … Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel The Alfred Wegener Institute - Helmholtz centre for polar and marine research …