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Nous avons trouvé 121 résultats pour votre recherche

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Henri de Lacaze-Duthiers, pioneering scientist

… be at the origin of his vocation as a marine zoologist. A formative voyage In the middle of the 1850's, the naturalist … made a trip to the Balearic Islands, which was transformative for him. He began fastidious work on acephalous …

  • Actualité

From Lab to Startup: Eleni Diamanti on Quantum Technologies and Commercialization

… A quantum memory is a device that can store on demand information encoded in properties of quantum states of light, … responsible company, bringing real added value to quantum information processing and communication while also being … A quantum memory is a device that can store on demand information encoded in properties of quantum states of light, …

  • Presse

Facial reconstruction: A multidisciplinary study at Sorbonne University restores the face of a Napoleonic soldier

… subtitles in English available)   À lire aussi Recherche et formation pluridisciplinaires Qui es-tu Christophe Cros ? …

  • Actualité

24 views on Georgia, an immersive educational experience

… B.: Very good feedback. Most of them found the experience formative for the rest of their career. Reporting abroad is …

  • Portrait

Théo Bouloudani

… iGEM team took place in December 2022, thus allowing the formation of the new team. Up until January 2023, we …

  • Article

Master 2 courses in Earth and Planetary Sciences, Environment - Geosciences-Planetology (GEO-P) track

… (tectonic, sedimentary, petrological) governing the formation and evolution of different types of margins and … quantification and mechanisms of brittle and ductile deformation, kinematics, rheological behaviors, structure, … ( Fluid-Rock-Deformation Interactions (5TEG04) 2nd year Master - 1st …

  • Article

Applying and registering

… Relations office remains at your disposal for any further information. Published on 29/06/2020 - Updated on 11/10/2023 … To register, you must send the documents, either in paper format or by email. The list is given to you with the … Relations office remains at your disposal for any further information. … You can only register if you had been admitted …

  • Article

Distributed Agents, Robotics, Operations Research, Interaction, Decision Making (ANDROIDE)

… whether with a human user (for example, to acquire information relevant to problem- solving) or between … objective of the course is to train specialists in ICST (Information and Communication Sciences and Technologies), … interaction, serious games, video games, e-learning, information systems decision: decision theory, preference …

  • Actualité

Computer Vision: A Growing Field of Research

… had to be able to provide each pixel in an image’s information with the depth of the scene photographed … In order to transform a starting image into semantic information (what the image represents, for example), a … from raw data (digital images or videos), relevant information that can be interpreted and used by a computer or …