Discover all the events organised by our community.

Europa Ciceroniana - European convention on Cicero's “Pro Archia”
From January 30th to February 1st

La royauté à Sparte de Ménélas à Nabis : fondements, pratiques et représentations
From November 15th to November 16th

The COSU is back for another season!
On October 15th

The 2024 Music Fever Festival
From June 17th to June 23rd

The Politics and Poetics of Community within the Anglophone Left
From March 21st to March 23rd

Hervé de Nédellec au 700e anniversaire de sa mort
From November 9th to November 10th

Colour Revolution: Victorian Art, Fashion and Design
From September 21st to February 18th

The new fragments of the New Apuleius in the Veronensis XL (38) palimpsest
From July 6th to July 7th

Languages of War under the Russian war in Ukraine
From June 26th to June 27th

Writing performances : Symbolic representations of writing’s power
From June 20th to June 22nd

Contemporary British Poetry and the Long 1980s: From Deregulation to Self-Regulation
From June 15th to June 16th