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Diversity Month 2023

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Use our services

… at your library’s reception desk to benefit from it. Handicap et accessibilité Vous êtes en situation de handicap ou concerné par un empêchement temporaire ? La …

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Isir's Smart ArM Team Takes on Cybathlon 2020

… sciences as well as life sciences. … compétition sportive … handicap … Isir's Smart ArM Team Takes on Cybathlon 2020 …

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International Women's Rights Day

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The Patients' University: the Inauguration of the Skills and Vulnerabilities Chair

… and Societal Commitments, Director of the Malakoff Humanis Handicap Foundation) Excerpts from the inauguration speeches …

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A Federating Project for People with Disabilities

… to unite teams and to stimulate everyone’s creativity. … handicap … ingénieur … ingénierie … robot … robotique … ISIR …

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… injury Autonomy Profile for Adult Cerebral Palsies for handicapped departement houses …

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… a French baccalaureate, this page is for you.   Question Handicap. The Student Health and Disability Service (SHSE) …