International applicants outside of exchange programmes
International students applying at a university outside their country of residence without being engaged in a mobility or exchange programme are considered as "free movers", and therefore need to follow the same application procedures as French students. They can apply for a wide range of programmes, ranging from two-week intensive courses to a full degree programme.
The Faculty welcomes thousands of international students each year, taking into account students engaged in mobility or exchange programmes as well as free movers. International students enrich the Faculty by contributing to its multicultural climate and help build stronger communities.
The Faculty provides support to all international students, including for application procedures, anticipating living costs, housing, and a host of other aspects of living and studying in Paris.
Studying at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities as a free mover
The Faculty of Arts and Humanities follows the French higher education LMD system : Bachelor’s (3 years) – Master’s (2 years) – Doctorate (3 years). There is a wide range of programmes, including top-level monodisciplinary or multidisciplinary curricula, as well as double degree programmes and programmes involving a major and a minor.
The academic year starts in September and ends in May/June. It is divided into two semesters, the first from September to December, and the second one from January to May/June. At the end of each semester, there is a period of about one to two weeks dedicated to exams.
As a international degree-seeking student coming to study at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, you must first visit Campus France’s website to learn about the procedure you need to follow according to your nationality and your country of residence. Campus France is the national agency for the promotion of the French higher education system, and manages the application of foreign students. This online procedure will guide you from the first steps of the application process to your visa request.
As a free mover, your admission is not managed by the International Relations office but by the Admission and Registration office. However, the International Relations office remains at your disposal for any inquiry regarding your stay in France.
The full completion of the application process requires to go through 3 phases:
- Application (or Admissions)
- Administrative registration
- Course registration
Administrative registration must be completed every year in order to pay the registration fees and stay enrolled at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, and course registration every semester, to choose the classes you wish to attend. Unless otherwise specified, applications at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities are carried out online, and follow the steps detailed below.
Application process
Candidates residing in a country affected by the “Etudes en France” (EEF) procedure need to submit their preliminary application « Demande d’inscription préalable » (DAP) through the Centre des Etudes en France (CEF) of their country of residence.
Find if you are concerned by the “Etudes en France” (EEF) procedure on Campus France’s website.
- All candidates holding a French baccalauréat or a European Baccalaureate (delivered by an accredited European School) need to apply on the online platform Parcoursup, regardless of their nationality or country of residence.
- Candidates from France, the European Union, the European Economic Area, the Swiss Confederation, Monaco and Andorra need to apply on the online platform Parcoursup.
- Candidates from countries outside the European Union, the European Economic Area and the Swiss Confederation who reside in France need to submit a Demande d’inscription préalable (DAP) ».
- Candidates from countries outside the European Union, the European Economic Area and the Swiss Confederation who do not reside in France need to submit a « Demande d’inscription préalable (DAP) ».
For more detailed information, visit Campus France’s website.
- Candidates residing in a country affected by the “Etudes en France” (EEF) procedure need to apply through the “Etudes en France” website.
- Candidates residing in France or in a country not affected by the “Etudes en France” (EEF) procedure need to apply on the online platform E-candidat.
Find if you are concerned by the “Etudes en France” (EEF) procedure on Campus France’s website.
If you are continuing within the same Bachelor’s degree, you do not need to apply on the e-Candidat platform : validating the current year means that you are automatically admitted to the following year. Your academic transcript acts as a proof of validation. However, you will still need to re-enrol into the following year to stay registered at the university.
- Candidates residing in a country affected by the “Etudes en France” (EEF) procedure need to apply through the “Etudes en France” website. Find if you are concerned by the “Etudes en France” (EEF) procedure on Campus France’s website.
- Candidates from the European Union, the European Economic Area or the Swiss Confederation who reside in a country not affected by the “Etudes en France” (EEF) procedure need to apply on the online platform Mon Master.
- Candidates in the following situations need to contact directly the institution they are enrolled in to apply:
- students retaking the first year of their master’s programme;
- students looking to apply for the first year of a master’s programme through the VES (validation des études supérieures) or VAP (validation des acquis professionels) procedure;
- students enrolled in programmes which include an automatic admission into a master’s degree, such as “cursus master en ingénierie” (CMI).
Adults and professionals wishing to apply for university degrees and specific courses need to enrol within the system of continuing education. The registration procedure is specific: please look up the page dedicated to continuing education.
To learn more about the specific administrative procedures, contact the department of lifelong learning.
PhD students must follow a specific application procedure.
To learn more about the procedures and requirements, visit the page dedicated to doctoral studies.
Administrative registration
Administrative registration can only be carried out once you have applied and have been admitted to the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of Sorbonne University.
This procedure must be completed every year by all students, however some steps can differ according to your situation (full-time education, continuing education, doctorate).
High school or university graduates need to enrol within the system of full-time education (FI - formation initiale), and follow the procedure described below.
Online administrative registration is completed in 5 steps:
- Paying the CVEC fee (a contribution to student and campus life) to the Crous.
- Registering on the online platform and paying the tuition fees.
To register for the first time at Sorbonne University, log on to the IA WEB Primo portal. If you have already studied at Sorbonne University in the past, log on to the IA WEB Réins portal.
- Activating your student account.
Once your account has been activated, you will be able to access your virtual learning environment , where you can find your administrative record, the messaging service, and all information put online by the department you are affiliated to.
- Submitting your supporting documents on the PJ WEB platform.
- Receiving your student card and certificate of enrolment .
Find more details about the procedure on the page dedicated to administrative registration (French website).
Professionals wishing to pursue academic studies need to enrol within the continuing education system. More information on the page “Programmes for professionals in continuing education”.
Student pursuing a PhD need to follow a different registration procedure. More information on the page “Doctoral studies”.
Course registration
After having received your student card and your certificates, it is time to move on to the final part of the registration process: the course registration.
Course registration is a mandatory step in order to be allowed to take the end-of-term examinations. It formalises your course selection and constitutes your timetable. Course registration needs to be carried out at the beginning of each semester.
Before undertaking your course registration, you will need to read the documentation provided for each programme so that you are familiar with the syllabus, times and schedule for each course and can make your choice accordingly. This documentation is provided by the administration office of each department. You are also advised to attend the information session organised by your department before the beginning of the first term.
Online course registration is completed in 3 steps:
- Registering on the IPWEB portal
- Choosing your mandatory and optional courses (optional courses include languages, sports, and cultural activities)
- Submitting your learning agreement for validation
Find more information about the procedure on the page dedicated to course registration (French website).