Maîtresse de conférences
Cultures et sociétés d'Europe orientale, balkanique et médiane
Spécialités de recherche & Expertises
Spécialités de recherche
- Sociologie
- Russie contemporaine
- Émigration russe,
- Positionnements politiques
- Activisme
- Sociologie de la culture
- Sociologie de l’édition
- Édition indépendante en Russie
- Littérature jeunesse
- Langue russe
- Histoire et sociologie de la Russie
Carrière / CV
Bella Delacroix Ostromooukhova is an Assistant Professor of Russian Language and Culture at Sorbonne Université (Paris, France). As a cultural sociologist, she is investigating independent children's publishing in post-Soviet Russia, with a particular focus on the mechanisms of censorship and the ways in which the actors involved circumvent it. She is also analyzing the changes in this professional world in the context of the war in Ukraine. His other research project focuses on the attitudes of Russian citizens, in Russia and abroad, to the war in Ukraine and the strengthening of authoritarian rule in Russia.