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Nous avons trouvé 4 résultats pour votre recherche
Parcours International DIGIT
… International DIGIT Each student enrolled in the DIGIT program will have the opportunity to design their own curriculum by selecting a coherent subset of teaching units (UE) from the courses offered in English … algorithms and computer architectures. How much does it cost: Tuition fees for the academic year 2021/22 (should be …
Master d'Informatique - Information Quantique (IQ)
… dédiée à l'information quantique au centre de Paris. Ce programme est soutenu par le Quantum Information Center … have competences in mathematics and theoretical foundations of computer science, and a strong interest in physics. … we share our quantum information courses. How much does it cost and other practical information available here on …
International Master In Neurodegenerative Diseases - iMIND
… brain, its functioning and its disorders, represents one of the great scientific challenges of the 21st century. This … account for more than a third of the total disease cost in Europe. Specifically, the study of neurodegenerative … Neurodegenerative Diseases (iMIND) is a multidisciplinary program built on a partnership between Sorbonne Université …
Instituts et initiatives pluridisciplinaires
… promeut l'accès de tous au savoir et développe de nombreux programmes et projets communs en formation tout au long de … d’innovation. Axes scientifiques : hardware and software development of quantum computing and simulation … d’un vaste projet de recherche (ANR, ERC, Horizons, COST) seront privilégiés. Le candidat ou la candidate devra …